Directed by Pauline Archange, Céline Perreard
    France | 13 minutes | A World Imagined

Over the course of an evening, four individuals connect on Voice Ever, a new dating app where you choose your date based on their voice. Their weaknesses and vulnerabilities will surface in their desire to meet.

film details

Director: Pauline Archange, Céline Perreard
Producers: Anne Luthaud
Screenwriter: Pauline Archange, Céline Perrreard
Cinematographers: Manuel Bolaños
Editor: Jeanne Sarfati
Music: Corentin Lebon
Cast: Alexandra Desloires, Kelly Bellacci, Vincent Pasdermadjian, Maya Raad, Xavier Lacaille, Edith Baldy, Natasha Kay
Country: France
Language: in French with English subtitles
Year: 2023
Running Time: 13 minutes
Primary Company: LE GREC
Contact Email: perreard.celine@gmail.com

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