• Eye for an Eye

    Directed by Anthony Coveney
    Canada | 9 minutes | International Premiere | The Kids Are Alright

On a stormy summer night, Mathieu walks in on his parents. Horrified, he shares his disturbing discovery with his friends. Faced with the loss of his innocence, Mathieu sets himself a mission. He’s going to make sure his parents don’t do the unforgivable: bring another child into a burning world.

film details

Director: Anthony Coveney
Producers: Elise Bois
Screenwriter: Anthony Coveney
Cinematographers: Xavier Bossé
Editor: Marianne Boucher
Music: Sandro Guédy
Cast: Eliott Plamondon, Victor Leclerc, Amarylis Tremblay, Justin Laramée, Émilie Gilbert, Maxime-Olivier Potvin
Original Language Title: Œil pour œil
Country: Canada
Language: in French with English subtitles
Year: 2021
Running Time: 9 minutes
Premiere Status: International Premiere
Primary Company: Welcome Aboard
Contact Email: distribution@wlcmaboard.com
Website: https://www.wlcmaboard.com/oeilpouroeil

2022 ShortFest