• Brat

    Directed by Anna Roller
    Germany | 9 minutes | North American Premiere | Talk of the Town

Mia is a young single mom who keeps to herself despite being under constant criticism and scrutiny from the townspeople in her village. But when one of the other mothers accuses her son of stealing, she becomes a lioness.

film details

Director: Anna Roller
Producers: Melissa Byrne
Screenwriter: Maya Duftschmid, Anna Roller
Cinematographers: Felix Pflieger
Editor: Berthold Wahjudi
Music: Giovanni Berg
Cast: Julia Windischbauer, Stefanie von Poser, Katrin Filzen, Ana Sieber, Mia Sieber, Elsa Baschang, Juri Dammann
Original Language Title: Gör
Country: Germany
Language: in German with English subtitles
Year: 2021
Running Time: 9 minutes
Premiere Status: North American Premiere
Primary Company: allergiker film
Contact Email: melissa.byrne.de@gmail.com

2022 ShortFest