• Tehrangeles

    Directed by Saumene Mehrdady
    USA | 13 minutes |

Nima, a teenage Iranian-American boy living in the suburbs of Los Angeles, gains an appreciation for his heritage and learns the difference between friends and “friends” on the day of his 17th birthday party that his Persian family’s throwing for him.

In competition for the Local Jury Award

film synopsis

film details

Director: Saumene Mehrdady
Producers: Mehrdad Sarlak, Joel Villegas, Kevin Theal, Sidney Mehrdady
Screenwriter: Saumene Mehrdady, Joel Villegas, Kevin Theal
Cinematographers: Justin Moore
Editor: Joel Villegas
Music: Alex Verbitskiy
Cast: Melissa Shoshahi, Keivon Akbari, Herbert Morales, Saeid Parsa, Jonathan Fajiram
Country: USA
Language: In English and Farsi with English subtitles.
Year: 2019
Running Time: 13 minutes
Contact Email: saumene@icloud.com
Website: https://www.saumene.com/

director biography

Meet the filmmaker

2020 ShortFest Archive