• Nero

    Directed by Jan-David Bolt
    Switzerland | 9 minutes |

Humans spend five years of their lives thinking about food. This film may not change that.

In competition for Best Midnight Short

film synopsis

film details

Director: Jan-David Bolt
Producers: Flippo Bonacci
Screenwriter: Jan-David Bolt
Cinematographers: Lars Mulle
Editor: Lars Mulle, Lukas Fuhrimann
Music: David Hohl
Cast: Fabian Vogt, Giorgina Hämmerli, Greta Massie
Country: Switzerland
Year: 2019
Running Time: 9 minutes
Awards: Best Short, Byron Bay International Film Festival
Contact Email: jandibolt@hotmail.com
Website: https://www.swissfilms.ch/en/film_search/filmdetails/-%20/id_film/76849AA2597C41AF9BAD2AFABDDCE231

director biography

Born and raised in a small village in the Swiss-German speaking part of Switzerland. Dropped out of his German and English literature studies for film. Wrote a drama series for Swiss television. Has a fondness for grotesque and absurd stories

2020 ShortFest Archive