• TEST 3 FF22

    Directed by Lauren Tutz, Maci T
    Bulgaria/Belgium | 190 minutes | World Premiere | Awards Buzz – Best International Feature Film

This is the short blurb and should be a few sentences and should appear on the calendar when someone is searching for films. We would like most of this to show but can set a limit of characters depending.

film synopsis

This is the long lurb and should be in the body copy of the films.ksdhfkhflkdhkdhkdlfhsklghsklgh asdkgskljf adlkfj sdfs sdf sdfjpoerjff skldfkls laskdfksdfk askdfklsdfj adklsfjs askdjf adkfjerifj adkfjk aldjfj

film details

Director: Lauren Tutz, Maci T
Producers: Jason T
Screenwriter: Screenwriter
Cinematographers: Cinematographer
Editor: Editot
Music: Music box
Cast: Maci T Pat Mahomes
Original Language Title: TEST 3 FF22 ft
Country: Bulgaria/Belgium
Language: in Danish/Danish with English subtitles
Year: 2035
Running Time: 190 minutes
Premiere Status: World Premiere
Awards: awards box

director biography

Film Festival 2022