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    Paris Stalingrad

    Directed by Hind Meddeb, Thim Naccache
    France | 86 minutes | True Stories

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    Paris Stalingrad

    Directed by Hind Meddeb, Thim Naccache
    France | 86 minutes | True Stories

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    Paris Stalingrad

    Directed by Hind Meddeb, Thim Naccache
    France | 86 minutes | True Stories

  • View Trailer

    Paris Stalingrad

    Directed by Hind Meddeb, Thim Naccache
    France | 86 minutes | True Stories

  • View Trailer

    Paris Stalingrad

    Directed by Hind Meddeb, Thim Naccache
    France | 86 minutes | True Stories

  • View Trailer

    Paris Stalingrad

    Directed by Hind Meddeb, Thim Naccache
    France | 86 minutes | True Stories

  • View Trailer

    Paris Stalingrad

    Directed by Hind Meddeb, Thim Naccache
    France | 86 minutes | True Stories

This urgent and intimate report puts us in the shoes of refugees who have fled wars and poverty in Africa and the Middle East and are now sleeping on the streets of Paris, coping with police repression and an overwhelmed French bureaucracy.

film synopsis

Shot in Paris in 2016, Hind Meddeb’s urgent and intimate documentary immerses us in the Paris Stalingrad neighborhood where floods of immigrants who have fled wars and persecution in Africa and the Middle East sleep on the streets where they are continually subject to police raids. We see a French bureaucracy overwhelmed and undermanned; we see sympathetic activists and volunteers trying to help in the face of increasingly brutal repression. This empathetic on-the-ground report puts us in the shoes of these abandoned refugees. At the center of this story is 17-year-old Souleymane, whose family was lost in the war in Darfur. Souleymane, who has been homeless and adrift since he was 13 and is praying that he can find a legal home in France, recites poetry to keep his spirits alive. The filmmaker becomes an active participant in her own movie, developing deep connections with her subjects, further emphasizing the level of empathy generated by these stories.

film details

Director: Hind Meddeb, Thim Naccache
Producers: Abel Nahmias
Screenwriter: Hind Meddeb
Cinematographers: Hind Meddeb
Editor: Sophie Pouleau
Music: Bachar Mar Khalifé
Country: France
Language: in Arabic and French with English subtitles
Year: 2019
Running Time: 86 minutes
Director Filmography: Hind Meddeb: Tunisia Clash (2015), Electro Chaabi (2013)
Thim Naccache: feature debut
Website: https://paris-stalingrad.film/

director biography

guests in attendance

Director Hind Meddeb is expected to be in attendance on January 3 and 4.

2020 Film Festival