• Lucky Grandma

    Directed by Sasie Sealy
    USA | 87 minutes | World Cinema Now

  • Lucky Grandma

    Directed by Sasie Sealy
    USA | 87 minutes | World Cinema Now

  • Lucky Grandma

    Directed by Sasie Sealy
    USA | 87 minutes | World Cinema Now

Curmudgeonly, chain-smoking Grandma (Tsai Chin) helps herself to a dead man’s cash only to discover the money belongs to gangsters in this exuberant comedy-drama that balances dark humor, action and poignancy.

film synopsis

In this exuberant comedy-drama that balances dark humor, action and poignancy, a curmudgeonly chain-smoking senior citizen helps herself to a dead man’s cash, only to discover the money belongs to Chinatown gangsters. Grandma (Tsai Chin) has no plans of going gentle into that good night — she intends to protect her sudden windfall to ensure she can stay in her beloved Manhattan and not have to move to her son’s suburban home in Brooklyn. The petite Grandma even hires a 6’7” bodyguard Big Pong (former pro basketball player Hsiao-Yuan Ha) to protect her, which allows for some delicious physical humor. Grandma’s willingness to go so far as to challenge violent criminals to preserve her independence delivers some serious truth about the plight facing many elderly people. Director/co-writer Sasie Sealy’s debut is an indelible portrait of an irascible but delightfully iron-willed woman.

film details

Director: Sasie Sealy
Producers: Cara Marcous, Krista Parris
Screenwriter: Angela Cheng, Sasie Sealy
Cinematographers: Eduardo Enrique Mayén
Editor: Hye Mee Na
Music: Andrew Orkin
Cast: Tsai Chin, Corey Ha, Michael Tow, Woody Fu
Country: USA
Language: in Mandarin, English and Cantonese with English subtitles
Year: 2019
Running Time: 87 minutes
Awards: Jury Award for Best Narrative Feature, Napa Valley Film Festival

director biography

2020 Film Festival