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    It Must Be Heaven

    Directed by Elia Suleiman
    Palestine/France/Qatar/Germany/Canada/Turkey | 97 minutes | Awards Buzz – Best International Feature Film

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    It Must Be Heaven

    Directed by Elia Suleiman
    Palestine/France/Qatar/Germany/Canada/Turkey | 97 minutes | Awards Buzz – Best International Feature Film

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    It Must Be Heaven

    Directed by Elia Suleiman
    Palestine/France/Qatar/Germany/Canada/Turkey | 97 minutes | Awards Buzz – Best International Feature Film

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    It Must Be Heaven

    Directed by Elia Suleiman
    Palestine/France/Qatar/Germany/Canada/Turkey | 97 minutes | Awards Buzz – Best International Feature Film

  • View Trailer

    It Must Be Heaven

    Directed by Elia Suleiman
    Palestine/France/Qatar/Germany/Canada/Turkey | 97 minutes | Awards Buzz – Best International Feature Film

  • View Trailer

    It Must Be Heaven

    Directed by Elia Suleiman
    Palestine/France/Qatar/Germany/Canada/Turkey | 97 minutes | Awards Buzz – Best International Feature Film

Palestine’s most lauded director, the droll Elia Suleiman, returns with a deadpan, near-silent comedy in which he plays “himself,” a filmmaker who leaves Nazareth for Paris and New York in search of funds for a movie that Westerners reject as not being “Palestinian enough.”

film synopsis

The acclaimed Palestinian filmmaker Elia Suleiman has often been compared to Buster Keaton and Jacques Tati. Like them, he stars in his own movie, playing a droll version of “himself,” a Palestinian filmmaker who travels to Paris and New York in search of funding for his new movie, which doesn’t measure up to the financiers’ stereotypes of what a Palestinian movie is supposed to be. With his straw hat and sad eyes, he’s a silent observer who views with melancholy bemusement the absurdities of a high-security world. Shoppers in a New York supermarket come heavily armed with assault rifles and pistols, and Parisian ambulance drivers serve the homeless elegant two-course meals as if they were dining at Maxim’s. From the hilarious opening when an Orthodox priest can’t get the doors to his church open, It Must Be Heaven unfolds in a series of pointed, poignant comic vignettes.

Winner: FIPRESCI Prize, Cannes

In competition for the FIPRESCI Prize

film details

Director: Elia Suleiman
Producers: Edouard Weil, Laurine Pelassy
Screenwriter: Elia Suleiman
Cinematographers: Sofian El Fani
Editor: Véronique Lange
Cast: Elia Suleiman
Country: Palestine/France/Qatar/Germany/Canada/Turkey
Language: in Arabic, French and English with English subtitles
Year: 2019
Running Time: 97 minutes
Director Filmography: The Time That Remains (2009), Divine Intervention (2002), Chronicle of a Disappearance (1996)
Awards: FIPRESCI Prize, Cannes Film Festival
Primary Company: Wild Bunch

director biography

2020 Film Festival