• Face the Music

Musicians, both real and written, mix with fans and families in this cinematic playlist of fictional tales and documentaries.

Short Films

All of Me

Viv, a talented genderqueer musician faces late-stage leukemia that threatens the life she's built. Her best hope is a bone marrow transplant from her estranged family.


Driven from their home by a war, two young brothers search for scrap metal in order to build their own musical instrument.

Gotta Groove Records

This behind-the-scenes exploration of a vinyl record pressing plant in Cleveland, is a story of grit, manufacturing and the pursuit of passion.

Mixtape Marauders

Two young burnouts, Patrick and Cheech, live in a world of mindless day jobs, petty drug deals and wildly unconventional music tastes.


A lyrical road trip through the lives of an aspiring musician and his young daughter.

The Privates

In this sci-fi, rock-and-roll comedy, a garage band's incendiary power could be deadly, but it may also be exactly the spark needed to get them noticed.

Richard Twice

Singer-songwriter Richard Atkins, of the early ’70's California psychedelic folk duo “Richard Twice,” was on his way to stardom when he walked away from it all.


Amid the depths of despair, a grieving mother finds her voice to challenge the forces of injustice and inspire hope.

2017 ShortFest Archive